Late nights seem to be my time for artistic prowess. On my way up to bed I find this. And voila!

This song reminds me of the eerily fantastic song that begins the latest Billy Talent album “Dead Silence”. It is a song I consider “forgiving”. I can really relate to it. Maybe because it speaks of pain and emotional grief. With this struggle, we can overcome it. Overall this song is beautiful, especially with the inclusion of the bass track (they brought in a classically trained player from the Toronto Symphony Orchestra which I think is the most amazing thing!)


We’ve had a couple of gnarly thunderstorms here. After one storm session, I went to play soccer and voila! Pretty intense sunset.


98/365 – memory lane



This is my grandparents place – down the road from my childhood home. It looks so lovely this time of year.


This is the house I grew up in until I was 11. My dad built it himself. Every summer I would be either running around the neighborhood or down at the lake – one minute down from my house. One wish I have is to walk through this house again. It’s sad that I have started to forget what it looks like inside.

97/365 – TARDIS in the Library

I recently met someone who told me that he built a TARDIS. He then told me it is up for public viewing at the library.

Let me just say, it is so awesome being in the presence of a TARDIS – whether it was real or a replica – is awesome.

I secretly wished that the Doctor would pop out his head, grab my hand and take me away on some grand adventure. I actually evaluated myself before seeing it and determined that if that actually happened, I would be prepared.

Ankle rain boots – perfect for running and extreme terrain trekking. Decent rain/winter jacket – warm enough for colder temperatures and awesome for rain. iPhone – good for documentation and communication. And identification and just good for any type of traveling.



94/365 – Lucky Numbers


Today felt like the day to try my luck. I’ve never player the lotto before. It seemed to me that I had to play today, especially since a couple nights ago I had these numbers come racing in my head.

I also seem to have incredible beginners luck. I would love this chance to win something!

If I did win some large sum of money, I would first pay for my family on an amazing trip. I would then help my brother, my mom and dad and myself with all of our continuing post secondary education. Also, I would invest in creating my very own film studio that also specializes in artistic photography and other digital mediums of art. As well, I would take my own special trip to New Zealand. And finally, I would save the rest of my money for my life down the road.

I was on my way to bed. I flick on the light and voila! I found Murphy like this. He must he overheated and needed to cool down. I just find it hilariously cute!



I had a lovely day at the spa today. Everyone deserves a day to be pampered and today was my day! The chocolate they leave at the spa is AMAZING! I need to find where they make them and thank them profusely. And the flower smells as amazing as it looks!

Ah… Such a lovely afternoon.